Monday, February 25, 2013

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

For the Good:
After almost 2 years of trying, My husband and I are finally expecting a baby! I am about 4 and a half months along and we are WAY excited!! We are fairly certain that my issues with gluten was what was causing me to have issues.
For the Bad:
As much as I am excited about this baby, it has put a serious hold on all my creativity in the kitchen. You see, I have a major sensitivity to smells and can hardly cook anything in my kitchen. It has actually been really depressing.
For the Ugly:
I am in my last semester of school. Along with smell sensitivity, I have had about every other pregnancy symptom in the book. Yeah, morning sickness...bad. So, on top of being unable to cook, now I was having issues keeping food down. Hopefully this part of the pregnancy gets over quick.

So, to all those who may have passed by my very inactive blog, I apologize. I have still been experimenting, mostly with gluten free type foods. I will try to make a better effort to record, or even add great recipes I have found. Thanks for stopping by!